Thursday, June 24, 2010

Isn't It Nice To Know, That The Lining Is Silver

Everything works out for good. I just gotta remember that, right?

Yeah easier said then done.

haha yeah. God rewards the patient. Everything is getting good. I can keep my head above the water. Soon I'll be going out of the US. I can't begin to explain my excitement. I'll have a good what...two weeks that I will be away from everything. And I mean everything.  It's going to be great. I'm just going to miss my best friend so bad.

I've been finding the double meanings in song lyrics lately. It's been really cool. I have found that most of my favorite songs, happen to kinda outline something that I've gone through in my life. I was living life but not really having one. It was weird. Because I'm not created to live my life this way.  But no one really knows what it's like to live life how I live it.  Most people aren't interested in that anyway. They just wanna fix me and call it done.
No one can fix me, it's just the way I am. I just gotta get my head on straight.  Trust me, I'm working on it.

But yeah. lyrics guys. 'It's Beautiful' by Eleventyseven.

I wish that you could tell me how you know me well and want to be together.
Fallen short and faded out you keep making gardens in this desert
Despite the grace that I dismiss, forgiveness it the catalyst
To penetrate the heart with what is true.
It's beautiful.
You can turn mistakes to miracles.
The way that you still love me after all.
It's beautiful
Redeem the years I've thrown away
I'm ready to make good on what I've wasted
I'm asking you to shape my heart
I wanna be your work of art
Because when you change me and make me more like you
So help me God forbid
I never take for granted this endless give you gave.
It's beautiful

yup yup so yah. My smile is plaguing my face. For more then one reason.

this is my image.
No sticky finers. 

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