Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Thing like you. Sanctus Real.

Loving things like you has wrecked my life, made me cry
Loving things like you has made me lose my mind
And I can't figure out why I've been hanging on
To all these things I've tried to leave behind me for so long
And I think it's time to find a better way to live my life
Than loving all those thingsthat keep me wrapped so tight
Everyone wants everyone else's eveything
Some time's the more we have the less we really gain
I'm tired of life and all that money has to buy
Get out of my heart, out of my mind, leaving you behind
Loving things like you has left me bruised, black and blue
Loving things like you has made me so confused
And I can't figure out what I've been waiting on
God I can't be living for things I know are wrong
Now I think it's time to write a better chapter in my life
Leaving all those things that keep me wrapped so tight
Why are we obsessed with possessions here on earth?
Go and take a look at the flowers and the birds
God is always taking care of nature's every need
And how much more important in The Father's eyes are we?
I said, how much more important in The Father's eyes are we?
He sees everything

Sunday, June 27, 2010

He Didn't Know

She looks out the window and sees the rain. 
She closes her eyes as thoughts and memories of him come rushing through her mind.
She runs outside and lets the cool rain drops mix with her salty tears.
He looks up from his coffee and looks around. 
He could have swore that he heard her voice. 
He sighs and puts his head in his hands. 
He didn't think it would feel this way.
She tumbles out of bed, screaming his name out loud. 
Sobbing, she wraps her arms around herself. 
She clutches his shirt tighter around herself. 
Begging him to come back.
She doesn't stop plaguing his mind. 
Life goes on around him as he daydreams. 
His thoughts so confused, swirling like a hurricane inside his head.
He needs to hear her voice. 
He needs to see her smiling face.
She sits on the hill, where they always met. 
She felt the wind rushing through her hair as she closed her eyes. 
Her mind elsewhere. 
Her mind where she wish she could be. 
He decides this is enough. 
He grabs his phone and car keys and begins the long drive. 
He can't let her go. 
The worst thing was. 
Was that he didn't know what he would be missing- 
What life would be like without her. 
She stands on a bridge, watching the river flow down below. 
And she jumps. 
The adrenaline rushes her head as her feet meet the icy water.  
She smiles and lets the icy water close around her. 
He jumps out of the car. 
He yells her name and watches her disappear under the water.
He jumps in after her. 
He's not going to lose her again. 
She feels his hand close around her.
She thinks its Jesus come to save her. 
She gasps as she is pulled to the surface. 
And brought back to reality. 
He smiles. She is still with him. 
He watches her beautiful smile spread over her face. 
Tears slowly fall down his cheeks. 
She laughs at herself. 
How silly was she. 
She closed her eyes, and surrenders herself to his embrace.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Isn't It Nice To Know, That The Lining Is Silver

Everything works out for good. I just gotta remember that, right?

Yeah easier said then done.

haha yeah. God rewards the patient. Everything is getting good. I can keep my head above the water. Soon I'll be going out of the US. I can't begin to explain my excitement. I'll have a good what...two weeks that I will be away from everything. And I mean everything.  It's going to be great. I'm just going to miss my best friend so bad.

I've been finding the double meanings in song lyrics lately. It's been really cool. I have found that most of my favorite songs, happen to kinda outline something that I've gone through in my life. I was living life but not really having one. It was weird. Because I'm not created to live my life this way.  But no one really knows what it's like to live life how I live it.  Most people aren't interested in that anyway. They just wanna fix me and call it done.
No one can fix me, it's just the way I am. I just gotta get my head on straight.  Trust me, I'm working on it.

But yeah. lyrics guys. 'It's Beautiful' by Eleventyseven.

I wish that you could tell me how you know me well and want to be together.
Fallen short and faded out you keep making gardens in this desert
Despite the grace that I dismiss, forgiveness it the catalyst
To penetrate the heart with what is true.
It's beautiful.
You can turn mistakes to miracles.
The way that you still love me after all.
It's beautiful
Redeem the years I've thrown away
I'm ready to make good on what I've wasted
I'm asking you to shape my heart
I wanna be your work of art
Because when you change me and make me more like you
So help me God forbid
I never take for granted this endless give you gave.
It's beautiful

yup yup so yah. My smile is plaguing my face. For more then one reason.

this is my image.
No sticky finers. 

Monday, June 14, 2010


Beneath the surface of the water, it is calm. A safe haven from the storms that rage above. It is always tempting to stay here and drift with the other broken pieces of my world. This might be a good way to die.
But what about the possibilities of this world coming back together again? So I surge upward with renewed hope. I grab at a happy memory to keep my afloat. The happiness of those times rushing to comfort me. But I look around and see all the debris and can't help losing hope. How can everything fit back together? I can't find the one reason to fight. It's getting harder and harder to see with the mist setting in. The confusion of why things aren't going right. Losing site of all that hope I let my head fall down to the memory in defeat. It can't even comfort me any longer.
What is the point? Everything is gone- There's nothing left in this world for me. I might as well slip from the memories and dive back down into the water. At least there, my world is at peace.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Not sure

To many thoughts run through my head to even write down. I guess i'll try anyway.

So school is over for 2 months. I cannot believe I made it through still alive. I have learned many many things this year, not including how to convert from atoms to moles or how to interpret the Illiad (love you ms ulmer). No, I've learned things about people and relationships. And unfortunately I've learned that I can't trust anyone. Because even your closest friends get tired of you at some point or another, right?
Now I notice that I cannot even be convinced to go anywhere or do anything. I have even stopped going to youth group. When did this happen!? I used to want to be a leader in my youth. A guidance to those who have no idea which way their lives are heading. And now, I need that guidance. It feels as if my faith has petered out and there is nothing leave. Oh yeah I still believe there is a God and that he loves me. There is no doubt in my mind about that, I'm just not sure what's going on. It seems like when I worship there's nothing there or when I pray I feel like I'm just wasting my breath. I can't plug into God. Why is this happening?
My relationship with my family is fading. I can't stand being around them for extended periods of time before I just shut myself in my room and don't come out for the rest of the day. My brothers dont listen to me when they take something of mine and dont give it back. Sure I laugh and smile about it and try to get it back, but when I say give it back, you better. Then when they dont listen and I forcefully take it away from them they start crying and shoot me with their airsoft guns. wtf? I mean seriously, if you can't handle it then just leave me the hell alone.

My relationships with my friends are also fading. I didn't have very many to begin with anyway. Now it feels like they are something of the past, and reality now is saying I have no one, and you just need to be by yourself.
People see me as being sad. I'm quiet and kinda seclude myself. It's not like I'm trying to be cool or anything, it's instinct. So that I don't get hurt anymore. Being in a school where I have next to no friends its part of my lifestyle. I sit in the classrooms, learn get good grades and thats about it. Being sick alot and out of the classroom also contributes to that.

There is so much more going on in my mind. But I guess I have wallowed in self pity enough.