Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Today was tough. Last night was bad. I have a paper and poster due this Friday. With MLA format and everything. I have no idea how to do that, but my teacher expects me to do that. So...ok. Since I have no experience with this stuff, I decided to just go ahead, do the research and get the paper done. I did that. on my laptop. Which now has a virus. So today while trying to find my sources to find it on another computer I find that I had used Wikipedia. I guess it isn't allowed in anything. I ended up writing a totally new paper on a totally different topic. In one day. Now who's ahead of the class? Yeah I guess I should be satisfied with the paper. But i dont know it was how it came about writing something different that kinda makes me want to vomit. I didn't go to school today because I was absolutely exhausted from my battle last night. That's right battle. Me against my parents. Epic failure. My mom isn't like super upset with me, which is a blessing. I think its because I am healing from a major sickness I have been struggling with the last couple years. Finally healing and on a super strict diet. I am so stressed out about everything going on in my life right now that I dont know what to do. All that I really can do is pray about it and let God handle it. Unfortunately that is the hardest part for me to do. Let go. Almost impossible for me. I just hope that once this project is turned in I feel better and get the grade that I DESERVE. This weekend I have a color guard competition and a couple Heavy Metal shows at my church. Pretty packed weekend if I do say so myself. Hopefully I'll get to see my favorite guy this weekend...but who knows? No show last week so that was kinda a let down. BUT I got to see Avatar (which btw is an awesome movie) with him and my brother and his sister. So it wasn't so bad...I guess. I just want this week to get over with quickly so that the beginning of next week can start. By that time I will have the following accomplished:
Project turned in
First color guard comp down
More pictures uploaded
First week of ridiculous diet done
My laptop fixed...up and running for the first time in weeks
My ipod synced and new music added
All library books read and returned ...and various other things finished.
Seeing that list makes me happy.
Three breakdowns, lunch, and p
ain pills later I have finished my paper, and I have finished this blog. Not bad for a Wednesday

Check out my popular DeviantArt pics :D

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